
Plan Your Trip to Camp

Camp Hidden Meadows is located at 17739 Potomac Highland Trail, Bartow, WV 24920. Please use our directions below to help you map out your trip to camp. Some GPS apps or devices may route you differently. Our directions are the safest, quickest, and most enjoyable routes.

There is no cell phone service within about 1 – 2 hours as you near Camp Hidden Meadows or cross the border into West Virginia. Please make sure to download the map to your phone or GPS device and do not turn it off during your drive when you are outside of service.

Map It Out

Directions to Camp

  • From Interstate 81.
  • Exit 296 near Strasburg, VA onto Rt. 55 West toward Wardensville, WV.
  • At Moorefield, take the second exit which reads “220 and 55 Moorefield.”
  • Once you exit follow signs for Rt. 28 South. You’ll pass through the towns of Moorefield, Petersburg, Seneca Rocks.
  • At Seneca Rocks, veer left onto Rt. 33 East. Stop to admire one of the premier rock formations on the East Coast.
  • At Judy Gap, turn right, staying on Rt. 28 South.
  • Camp Hidden Meadows is on the right, about 20-21 miles. You will see a camp sign and the office (a white two-story farm house).
  • Note: if you reach the intersection of US 250 & Rt. 28, you passed the camp. Turn around; come back about a mile.

Lodging Along This Route

(20 miles)
Circleville, WV

(45 miles)
Smoke Hole Resort
Cabins, WV
304-257-4442 or

(68 miles)
South Branch Inn
Moorefield, WV

  • From Interstate 81.
  • Exit at Staunton, VA, onto US 250 North toward Monterey, VA.
  • Continue on US 250 through Monterey, travelling another 22 miles to Rt. 28.
  • Right turn onto Rt. 28 North. Drive about 1 mile.
  • Camp Hidden Meadows will be on your left. Look for the camp sign and our office (a white two-story farmhouse).

Lodging Along This Route

Monterey, just 30 minutes from Camp, has a variety of Bed and Breakfasts and historic inns. For a full listing of places to stay, visit the Highland County Chamber of Commerce website.

  • From Interstate 79.
  • Exit 99 at Weston onto US 33 East towards Elkins, WV.
  • Take the second exit at Elkins, onto US 250 South. Remain on 250 South to the town of Bartow (about 1 hour).
  • Turn Left in Bartow, keeping on US 250 South/Rt. 28 North.
  • Turn Left onto Rt. 28 North at the yield sign.
  • Camp Hidden Meadows will be on your left. Look for the camp sign and our office (a white two-story farmhouse).

Lodging Along This Route

(42 miles) 
Hampton Inn 
Elkins, WV

(44 miles)
Holiday Inn Express
Elkins, WV

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